After Effects Can t Continue Unexpected Failure During Application Startup

  • After that the effects can't continue: unexpected failure during the application startup

    I decided to update my OS to El Capitan and the biggest problem I encounter is AE does not. I downloaded the latest version, thinking it was a problem of compatibility of CC 2014, but he keeps doing the same thing. Weridly enough, the rest of my works of master collections very well, that there is only one AE problem. HELP Please!

    Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 2.58.10 PM.png

    Hi, Paloma,.

    Yes, I tried that and it work, but it is not a satisfactory solution when I have to go and change users when I want to use just After Effects.

    It seems that your user account is corrupted, proven by the fact that you are up and running in After Effects without problem in a new user account. There are a number of articles on the internet on the repair of a user account, then you can try it. And here's one: 5 Potenetial Solutions to solve a corrupt OS x user account

    Thank you


  • Why "Adobe after effects CC 2014 close unexpectedly" at launch?

    I am currently on a MacPro 2012 OS X 10.9.5 with 2x2.66 GHz 6 - Core Intel Xeon Processor, 24 GB memory DDR3.

    I uninstalled in order to download and install Adobe Cloud Creative suite CS5. I was able to get Photoshop upward and running, but I can't run in After Effects. Whenever I try to open it, I get the message:

    "Adobe after effects CC 2014 quit unexpectedly." So, I uninstalled and tried to re - download and restarting my machine. Same result.

    So, please take a look at my report below and made me know if you see any possible solution to this problem. Thanks for any help possible!

    It turns out that I had to trash preferences found in User/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects. I just trashed the entire folder, emptied garbage and After Effects starts very well.

  • Communication error - After Effects Download Assistant

    I tried to download a trial for Adobe After Effects for the past hours. I downloaded the Wizard download and when I select After Effects and click Download, I get an error 107 saying theres a communication error, and he is unable to communicate with Help?

    That's why you receive error 107.  Even if you download the software, you would be always impossible to install the software.

    We invite you to watch the first 11 items if you need a solution for video editing for the configuration of your computer.  You can find the system requirements at  Otherwise, I recommend the upgrade of your computer so that you meet or exceed the requirements of system for After Effects -

  • I get errors after effects CC 2015, Media Encoder, and also Cineware


    I have problems with 2 things.  First of all, when I try to go to Adobe Media Encoder I get the following error:

    after effects media encoder error.PNG after effects media encoder error2.PNG

    It works perfectly well first Pro CC.  If I open Media encode and import a legacy file that works fine as well.

    And when I try to create new cinema 4 D file:

    after effects cineware error.PNG

    There is NO movie theater that installed 4 d I can see on my system - where it is and how to download?  I tried to use import Photoshop 3D, but apparently we cannot do that more with CC?

    System: Windows 7

    Thanks in advance


    The update fixes after effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) and Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015 (9.0.1) update are available:

  • After Effects can not load the necessary fonts!

    After installing the new fonts, I get the error message "after effects cannot load fonts required for the interface of AE.  Please replace fonts or reinstall AE. "How can I fix?  What I really need to reinstall AE?  Someone please tell me that there is an easier way to solve this problem.

    Thank you.


    This bug is corrected in the after effects CC (12.1) update:


    Let us know how it works when you tried with the new update.

  • After Effects can not minimize the very weird problem...


    I have a weird problem with after effect, I can't minimize the programm!

    I'll explain what the problem is with the help of these screenshots.


    Installed: After effects 9 cs4 version

    Working on one: Windows xp sp3


    Well, after effect opens full screen nothing weird on this subject right, so I tried to play it down, but! the following I receive


    He is completely better! and I can't move the ore window to resize the window.

    I check with Photoshop and Illustrator, and they are workin very well.

    Please help I can't learn tutorials so it's frustrating with a window of max.

    Please do not make premature conclusions about the problems of bugs. Many times they are not in your specific case, behavior was never reported by someone else, if chances are it's a configuration problem. To me, it seems that the resolution of the screen may not be set correctly, and so AE can not determine what resolutions to maximize minimize not correctly. Screenshots look slightly cropped off the coast on the right side, what could the server to highlight my hypothesis. In addition, there is a mode at AE that hides the title bar and there is even one that disables the menu bar. They are controlled by the Ctrl + a and Ctrl + Shift +------shortcuts normally. If another application "steals", while EI is running, this can cause problems. So, all the rights, look in your graphics card (which you tell us nothing, BTW) and study especially your status bar icons. There may be a quick / quick shortcut somewhere active option. For another thing, we will need more information as what graphics card you are using, which monitor resolutions used so to know if other applications show similar behavior.


  • Error ' after effects requires two or more frames at Playback ' AE CC 2014

    In recent days, After Effects has been giving me the most frustrating error. Almost everytime acronym, I try to RAM Preview, it is said 'After effects a need two or more frames to read' and will be ram not preview.

    I'm on Mac OSX 10.9.3, Mavericks have 8 GB of RAM, 2.2 GHZ i7. This problem seems to persist despite the amount of RAM I allocate for After Effects (AE currently has 7 GB, leaving 1 GB for other applications) it also happens with multithreading enabled and disabled.

    In addition, do not know if it's related, but everytime I open AE, it is extremely fast and responsive, which allows me to drag the layers around the model at full resolution without lag. After be opened for half an hour or so, solid flow 2 second behind every action, and any time I touch any layer in the comp, Adaptive resolution brings my screen down to 1/8th of quality. It is to be expected on a computer with my listing?

    Thank you

    The leak memory scrub audio that leads to this error has now been corrected. Try After Effects CC 20141 or later version (internal version 13.1).

  • Correct an error after effects CC (5070: 2) ray draw 3D on a retina


    Trying the rendering mode in the settings of the classic 3D model to Wings 3D drawn with RADIUS, I get an error

    «After effects error: drawn in the 3D Department: paged memory mapped to a Raytracer.» Your project may exceed the limits of the GPU. Close other applications. Try to update the CUDA driver. (5070:: 2) ".

    I'm in Mavericks 10.9.2 with After Effects CC on a macbook pro retina run 2.3 GH, 12 GB of Ram, lots of free space on the hard disk. It is currently running Intel Iris Pro 1024 MB.

    I have install the CUDA 5.5.28 driver. I tried with and without, it's the same thing.

    Any idea's what is the problem and how to fix it?

    Thank you

    This computer has no Nvidia card. CUDA driver for Nvidia CUDA hardware only software. Why did you install the CUDA driver on a computer without any other hardware CUDA?

    You will not be able to use the GPU acceleration plotted in 3D on this computer rendering engine Department. Don't wory about, however. Drawn to the ray 3D rendering engine is a minor element, and there are ways much better to use 3D in After Effects, especially with the help of Cinema 4 d, which is now part of the installation of After Effects:


  • After effects Import vector continuously rasterize works not


    I try to import a vector in After Effects, and it doesn't work the way I need. Yes, I continuously rasterize lit. Without the file original Illustrator has no effects on it. I tried png, eps, psd files and. Same question.

    1. it's what GOT the original vector file looks like:

    Screen Shot 2014-08-29 at 9.51.35 AM.png

    2. This is what it looks like in AE with continuously rasterize lit, with 400% zoom. It's shitty.

    Screen Shot 2014-08-29 at 9.55.08 AM.png

    3 and this is what it looks like AE zoomed in to 100%, but I put to scale the image up to 200%.

    Screen Shot 2014-08-29 at 9.57.00 AM.png

    But I can't use the vector of huge scale for my project because it is too big for my computer. If anyone can help? My brain hurts.

    I realize that this shit in the observer of AE, but even after I have the export in HD, there always look miserable.

    Basically, I want to just a nice final clean air picture in my computer.

    Hey thanks for all those who can help you. Waves enormous karma coming your way.

    When questions like this just posted a screenshot of the result is almost useless in diagnosing the problem. A better screenshot would include the Comp window and timeline with the layer selected question and all changed properties revealed by pressing the U key twice. In addition, since it was an imported file is concerned, if the footage item is selected in the project Panel and then we can get an idea of the shape, size and other properties of the original file that can cause problems.

    You should not have to buy anything to get correctly created vector files it work perfectly in your composition. When you said zoomed to 400%, if you meant the scale factor and not to scale the layer so the behavior is normal, expected, and exactly what should be the case. 400% zoom factor means that the comp window uses 16 pixels of the screen for each pixel of the model. Magnification set to 1600% means that a single image pixel appears as a block of 16 X 16 pixels of the screen - so that things will look pixelated when they are not. The only way to judge the quality is to look at the compose window with the Zoom set to 100% factor. It is exactly how Photoshop works.

    Here's what I mean. A single layer of Illustrator selected, scaled 5174% and perfectly pixelated in a comp with the Zoom factor to 100% scale. Note the size of the layer in the project Panel. All we need to know to diagnose a problem.

  • After effects CC 2015 (13.6) hangs at startup < 140735107916544 > < GPUManager > < 2 > Sniffer result Code: 7

    After effects CC 2015.1 (13.6) crashes on startup. GET after effects last Log Alert Message: < 140735107916544 > < GPUManager > < 2 > Sniffer result Code: 7

    > after spending 3 hours online with Adobe support, their recommendation was to restore the previous version. This apearently is a known problem

    The known issue is with versions of Mac OS x v10.10 before 10.10.5. If you use Mac OS x v10.10, then installing the 10.10.5 update is the recommended first step. Apple has some bug fixes in this version on the GPU.

  • After Effects CC 2015 - continues to change Audio output - won't stay like some

    After Effects CC 2015 - output continuous change in the prefs - Audio will remain as selected in prefs.

    Whenever I sleep my Mac or Quit AE audio hardware and audio output mapping goes to something random. Sometimes it switches to the default Mac speaker , sometimes happening at AirPlay , sometimes it goes to built in output .

    I want him to stay on BUILT online OUTPUT .

    So basically every time I use AE with audio, I have to go into the prefs and reset the hardware audio ' built-in line-out ' - and the value of mapping audio " integrated line output .

    It's driving me crazy! Help!


    AE CC 2015.0.1 -

    Presentation of the material:

    Model name: Mac Pro

    Model identifier: MacPro6, 1

    Processor name: 12-Core Intel Xeon E5

    Processor speed: 2.7 GHz

    Number of processors: 1

    Total number of hearts: 12

    (By heart) L2 Cache: 256 KB

    L3 Cache: 30 MB

    Memory: 64 GB

    Boot ROM version: MP61.0116.B16

    Version of the SCM (System): 2.20f18

    Version of lighting: 1.4a6

    Presentation of the system software:

    The system version: OS X 10.10.5 (14F1021)

    Kernel version: Darwin 14.5.0

    Boot volume: Macintosh HD

    Boot Mode: Normal

    It might be time to trash your AE preferences.

  • First and after effects CC 2015 quit unexpectedly on launch


    Unable to start first and after effects CC 2015, will "Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 close unexpectedly".

    tried the following:

    1 permissions set in/library/preferences/adobe and / library/application support/adobe

    2. clean the cache

    3. to remove the .plist files

    4. remove all plugins

    5 reinstallaling

    After effects will also:

    Last log message was: < 140735304400896 > < BEE_WorkQueue > < 5 > main thread of stacking: 8388608

    everything worked fine until I deleted two older versions CC of Premiere and After Effects

    El Capitan running

    MacBook Pro (retina, 13 inches, end of 2013)

    2.4 GHz Intel Core i5

    8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

    Iris 1536 MB Intel

    Any suggestions?

    Hi DR DONK,

    Try this:

    -Use the CC cleaning tool to uninstall Premiere Pro and After Effects: Adobe Creative cloud cleaning tool

    -Create a new user account on the computer with administrator rights

    -Install and run programs in the new account

    Thank you!

  • [Illustrator to After Effect] Can I bring up the size of the animation, I did in @2 x @3 x?

    I made an animation using Illustrator file. Can I evolve until the resolution of the file after that I did the animation in AE? Or any job here?

    Looks like you want to offer a product of better resolution. There are two options. One is to place your original publication to a larger, collapse transformations, then scale it up to the desired size. If your original composition was continuously rasterize enabled for all vector layers, it works for all vector unless layers some effects have been added to the layers. There is another way. I suggest that you use the script scale Comp. You can find it by clicking file > Scripts and select range of demo or scale of Composition.

    Once you have opened it has just created a new width of model and all your work will be intensified and animations will work fine. Then maybe go you through the layers and turn on the pixelation continues for all layers of IT.

  • Receive a "error open disc can not due to the failure to lock the file

    I had a disc with a boot failure.  I thought I had my saved VM but I got only an earlier version.

    I put the disk in a USB enclosure and my new system cannot read the disc.

    I copied the VM, I need my new drive.

    When I try to open it, I get the error:

    Cannot open disk '... vmdk' or

    one of the snapshot disks it depends on.

    Reason: Cannot lock the file.

    I don't have the original system, so I can't try to open it on this system.

    Is it possible that I can get this virtual machine to open?

    Thank you


    At least closed tab closed virtual machine or VMware Workstation then delete all folders/files .lck to the target of the virtual machine and then try to run it again.



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